Diet & Exercise - Dave Crocker

Separating nutritional fact from fiction

When it comes to nutrition, it isn’t that there aren’t enough particulars, to the contrary, there’s more than ...

Healthcare Umbrella- Michelle Fortune

When a cut continues to bleed 

We associate the sight of blood with the severity of the injury. So we’re taught from a very ...

Ask Aunty Pam - Pam Stone

Whatcha ‘fixing’ to do? 

Dear Aunty Pam, I’m a middle aged woman that has moved down to North Carolina from Manhattan. I ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

A small town with a big heart

“There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended ...


Upstate woman who threw body in Tryon river sentenced

Beth Beamer sentenced to maximum of 19 months in federal prison   POLK COUNTY– A South Carolina woman ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

A garden party with the gal pals 

It wasn’t that many years ago that I met a woman, somewhere in her early 40s, who told ...

Remember When- Garland O. Goodwin

Remembering Marion and Hoot

Marion Underwood has died, leaving his sister Frances as the only surviving sibling. They lost four older brothers ...

Life on the farm- Larry McDermott

Snakes, bears should not be feared

If you’re one of those people who worries that a black bear or a copperhead snake will get ...

Film Talk with Tryon Theatre

Witness a legend take flight in “Air”

Leaping from the baseline this week is “Air,” a wonderfully entertaining film from the very steady hands of ...

Ask Aunty Pam - Pam Stone

Worst weekend of my life after boyfriend proposes

Dear Aunty Pam,    I hope you can help because I’ve just had the worst weekend of my ...

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