Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Reflecting on fireflies and friendships 

“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

One good thing about old age

A friend of mine is going through a crushingly difficult time lately. She absolutely detests her job, has ...

Film Talk with Tryon Theatre

A celebration of comedic independence

Crossing the pond to appear on our screen this week are two British comedies that left their audiences ...

Shelf Life - Jen Pace Dickenson

Best books of 2023 (so far!)

We’re halfway through the year, and I’ve read 50 books, including 21 published in 2023! Here are five ...

Ask Aunty Pam - Pam Stone

Keeping the jewelry in the family

Dear Aunty Pam, I am just spitting mad at my sister and not sure where to turn. I’m ...

Life on the farm- Larry McDermott

So you want a successful local business? Listen up

People are immigrating to our little towns and beautiful rural countryside in droves, and with that comes the ...

I'm Just Saying - Pam Stone

Independence Day and horses don’t mix

“So what are you doing on the 4th?” asked a well-meaning acquaintance I bumped into at the grocery ...

Remember When - Garland Goodwin

Remembering Maxine Capps Thomas 

Reading about Maxine’s passing reminds me that we could see the roof of the Ruppy Capps home below ...

Ask Aunty Pam - Pam Stone

Vacation woes

Dear Aunty Pam, Can you please settle an argument between my husband and me?  This happens every year ...

Ron Kauffman- Senior Lifestyles

A very fond farewell, not goodbye

I first met then-TDB owner and editor, Jeff Byrd, in 2005 at an event at Harmon Field during ...

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