Letters to the Editor

Blueberries good for your health

To the editor: I read of a California doctor who switched to the holistic instead of the drugs, ...


Moving beyond division to dialogue

To the editor: The extremism and anger that is being expressed in the County will not help us ...

Letters to the Editor

Constitution guarantees the right of self-expression

Letter to the editor: I am compelled to respond to citizen Maryneal Jones for her “America is shamed ...

Letters to the Editor

Give turtles a fighting chance

To the editor: While bicycling on Green River Cove Road, we noticed two Eastern Box Turtles working their ...


Divide and Conquer

To the Editor: As I see it, we are playing into the politicians (all sides) trap. It is ...

Letters to the Editor

Politics aside show respect

To the editor: In January 1953, Hill Brothers Radio and TV Store in Columbus brought a 17 inch ...


Burn t-shirts not bridges

To the editor: My first reaction was “How, stupid, stupid, STUPID” on the part of those few who ...


Thanks is what they deserve

This is in response to the author of the letter titled “Sick to my stomach and Extremely Concerned.” ...


Purple heart county

I read with great interest your front page article of June 20 entitled “Commissioners Declare Polk as Purple ...

Letters to the Editor

Dehumanizing trend of modern politics

To the editor: Recent events are a reminder that we should step back from the dehumanizing trend of ...

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