Letters to the Editor

Use existing rights of way for transmission lines

To the editor, As a concerned property owner in Polk County, N.C., I have requested that the proposed ...


To all those who love this area

We have two more weeks to notify Duke Energy of our opposition to the high voltage transmission lines ...

Letters to the Editor

Open letter to the Public Service Commission

To the editor: Duke Energy has announced plans to possibly run new transmission lines through the South Carolina ...

Letters to the Editor

Disagreement with Polk County Youth Football rules

I have never been more disappointed with an organization as much as Polk County Youth Football. This week ...

Letters to the Editor

“Nursing homes” have changed with the times

I read an article in the Tryon Daily Bulletin on Tuesday, July 28, 2105 titled “Choosing the right ...

Letters to the Editor

Send comments to public service commission

We need urgently more signatures to protest the Duke Power high voltage lines in the Carolinas. Next week, ...

Letters to the Editor

Why would an outside zoning board member be necessary?

To the editor: That is my question regarding the latest proposal from the Saluda mayor and his board ...

Letters to the Editor


To the editor: Duke’s Western Carolina’s “Modernization” Project has raised a firestorm of protests in the counties affected, ...

Letters to the Editor

Fear and loathing in Tryon

To the editor: My family moved to Tryon about four years ago and quickly fell in love with ...

Letters to the Editor

Despite frustrations, this community comes together

To the editor:   As a regular reader of the Tryon Daily Bulletin I have noticed a lot ...

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