Letters to the Editor

Noting random acts of unkindness

To the editor: This letter is to the person who stole my black umbrella on Friday evening, May 27 at ...

Letters to the Editor

NC House candidate writes clarification regarding wearing of military uniform

To the editor: While I appreciate the patriotic concern of Mr. Livingston and Mr. Sutherland in regard to ...

Letters to the Editor

Copelof was honoring fallen service members

To the editor: For the last four years, the Polk County Democratic Women’s Club has held a flag ...

Letters to the Editor

Political candidate in military uniform displays lack of good judgment

To the editor: I write to comment upon the photo of Navy Captain Copelof at the Democrat Women’s ...

Letters to the Editor

Political candidate in military uniform should have known better

To the editor: The photo on page 20 of the June 10 edition of the TDB caught my ...

Letters to the Editor

Who is Andy Millard?

To the editor: Last week I received an invitation to attend a fundraiser for Congressional candidate Andy Millard ...

Letters to the Editor

Unforbidden pleasures

To the editor: For my brother, Ray, his morning coffee is one of life’s greatest unforbidden pleasures, a ...

Letters to the Editor

Jail, or jail diversion?

To the editor: While I deeply respect Sheriff Hill’s need for a new and expanded jail, I wonder ...

Letters to the Editor

Your vote counts for good or evil

To the editor:  Think twice before supporting a political philosophy that: – Destroys the middle class – Removes ...

Letters to the Editor

It takes a village to care for area animals

To the editor: Easily understood, regardless of one’s level of education, is the phrase, “It takes a village.” ...

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