Letters to the Editor

Raves for Trillium Trio

Some wag observed that the number of people attending your funeral will be determined by whether it rains. ...

Letters to the Editor

Opposed to DOT plans to widen Hwy. 108

Last week I read the news article on the NC DOT plans to widen NC Hwy. 108 between ...

Letters to the Editor

In Tryon, BS flows better than sewage

It all started eight years ago, when I noticed a small amount of water rising up through the ...

Letters to the Editor

Urge representatives to vote for full repeal

By almost any measure, Obamacare has failed. Based on a number of deceptions when it was presented to ...

Letters to the Editor

A day of mourning!

As the Senate confirmed the Electoral College vote on Jan. 6, it became clear that Donald Trump will ...

Letters to the Editor

A Trojan Horse? 

Horses seem to be an essential part of the soup that, when stirred together, make up the unique ...

Letters to the Editor


There is a grounded barge in the Lake Adger public marina where the water levels are only inches ...

Letters to the Editor

In praise of David Crocker

Thumbs Up Saturday I’ve known our resident trainer, David Crocker, for almost 20 years at this point, and ...

Letters to the Editor

Tryon mayor looks at the year in review

Having been back in office for a year, I wanted to take this opportunity to give the citizens ...

Letters to the Editor

Another memorable Music in Landrum program

Whitney Blake asked me to “review” this one, and seemed to care not a whit that I am ...

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