Letters to the Editor

Thanks to the firefighters protecting the community

On May 7, knocking was heard at our front door.  Our visitor was a fireman coming to alert ...

Letters to the Editor

Widening 108 will create what many came to the Foothills to escape

My husband and I are deeply distressed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s proposed widening of Highway ...

Letters to the Editor

Highway 108 ‘improvement’ project boggles the mind

What a fiasco! Who are the bureaucrats who thought up this idea? Money burning a hole in their ...

Letters to the Editor

RIP, Alfie Evans

I have seen socialism’s future, and its name is Alfie Evans. Short of his second birthday, Alfie Evans ...

Letters to the Editor

Proposed DOT project will address 108’s problems

I guess I must be about the only person around in favor of the road project for Highway ...

Letters to the Editor

The TIEC development agreement and the future of Polk County

To start, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has reached out to me via ...

Letters to the Editor

Where are our leaders?

We are now faced with another fiasco, with the North Carolina Department of Transportation trying to make “unsolicited ...

Letters to the Editor

Changes in place for recycling operation

Hello recyclers! Our Columbus location has changed from Hampton Court across from the Womack Building to the Ward ...

Letters to the Editor

Put county before party

We’re at a point where identification with a political party has assumed far more importance that it had ...

Letters to the Editor

Cooperation makes Polk a lucky place to live, work

I often brag to my fellow superintendents across the state about how fortunate I am to live and ...

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