
Being a “good-old” boy

Fascist, homophobe, traitor, infidel, gun lobbyist, useless old man, reactionary, xenophobe, right-wing, cop-loving extremist, borderline sociopath, militant and ...

Letters to the Editor


I have noticed that when in a debate, those who speak the longest and the loudest, usually have ...


Old age reveals underlying character

In December, the deciduous leaves have mostly fallen. Winds have helped to release the “hangers-on.” Now it is ...


Littering is a disgrace to our beautiful home

This is an open letter to Polk County citizens, town managers and commissioners. Over the years, many of ...


A few more questions about the upcoming revaluation

I agree with the concerns expressed by previous letters to the editor regarding the proposed $332,000 revaluation contract ...

Letters to the Editor

The new me

I used to think I was just a regular guy, but I was born white, which now, whether ...


In the heart of the community

For all the years that I have been fostering dogs and cats and volunteering with the Foothills Humane ...


Here we go again

More than $330,000 for a revaluation… Stunned to read a commissioner say, “Never had any complaints …” Excuse ...

Letters to the Editor

Low bid (NO), high bid (YES)

First of all, thank you, Tryon Daily Bulletin, for keeping us informed of activities in the Tryon area. ...

Letters to the Editor

It was worth waiting for!

The Community Chorus program, postponed because of snow, was well worth waiting for! We started with TubaChristmas the ...

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