Letters to the Editor

Communication, or lack there of

Communication, or lack there of What Pet Peeves annoy you? My pet peeve trifecta is any one or a combination ...

Letters to the Editor

Response to “Masking or not”

The “Masking or not” article is both dangerous to the public and shows selfishness and an incredible lack ...

Letters to the Editor

Mask, or not

Mask, or not Thank you, Mrs. Clement, for your comments about the letter, “Masking or not”. It was nicer ...

Letters to the Editor

To mask or not to mask

In Saturday’s Tryon Daily Bulletin, Stuart R. Goldstein wrote a full page “Letter to the Editor” giving all the reasons ...

Letters to the Editor

A percentage is just a number

The day that Governor Cooper opened up covid-19 restrictions the media reported a spike in the daily number ...


NC Pre-K Committee meeting set for May 20

The annual North Carolina Pre-K Committee meeting will be held on May 20 at 10:00 a.m. Due to COVID-19 ...


Masking or not

Masking or not I generally read the column, “Life on the Farm” with great interest and enjoyment. However, occasionally the ...


Common sense amid the fear

Common sense amid the fear I agree with Paul Heyer's decision to reopen his one-man barbershop.


Just getting by

The present time we live, the “now” of our existence, surely must be a very thin place indeed, ...

Letters to the Editor

Thumbs Up Thank You!

Thank You! All of us at Stoney Knoll Farms want to thank all the fire departments that responded to ...

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