Letters to the Editor

Why won’t they tell us who they are?

To the editor: Why must our new commissioners hide even the kinds of biographical information that other commissioners ...

Letters to the Editor

Creatures great and small

To the editor: Foothills animal lovers should read “ All Creatures Great and Small” by Dr. James Herriot.  ...

Letters to the Editor

Columbus traffic enforcement

To the editor: Kudos to David and Brenda Searcy for speaking out about traffic law enforcement in Columbus. ...

Letters to the Editor

Who will replace the great ones?

To the editor: I have fond memories of Van Cliburn … his Tchaikovsky Competition triumph that cracked the ...

Letters to the Editor

Creatures great and small

To the editor: Foothills animal lovers should read “ All Creatures Great and Small” by Dr. James Herriot. ...

Letters to the Editor


To the editor: In response to the March 4 article, “Polk hears positive comments over decision to allow ...

Letters to the Editor

FHS Fundraiser

To the editor: As a sporadic volunteer at the Foothills Humane Society, I am blown away each time ...

Letters to the Editor


To the editor: I am compelled to correct a fabrication made by a recent letter writer, John Blanton, ...

Letters to the Editor

Canis Latrans, Latin for Barking Dog

To the editor: Predator Masters.com, website for Savage Arms’ centerfire M10 Predator, attributed this quote to Abraham Lincoln: ...

Letters to the Editor

Meeting Place

To the editor: After my dear husband died, I became isolated and lonely, which I read is unhealthy ...

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