Letters to the Editor

Girl State applications

To the editor: Girls state time is here in June. Girls State is a leadership program sponsored by ...

Letters to the Editor

In keeping with democracy

In helping reform the annexation laws through the state, I noticed things about the two main parties. It ...

Letters to the Editor

Things your mother never told you about immigration

In the wake of all the discussion about illegal immigration, it is perhaps important to understand the onerous ...

Letters to the Editor

Where were you?

Where were you, all you good citizens of Polk county clamoring now for respect, humility and courtesy toward ...

Letters to the Editor

National Public Safety Telecommunications

Last week — April 14-20 — was National Public Safety Telecommunications Week. It is designated as a time ...

Letters to the Editor

White Oak agreement NOT ready for vote tonight

To the editor: I am a former Fortune 500 negotiator and non-practicing attorney and am proud to be ...

Letters to the Editor

Smart Growth? White Oak agreements short on details

To the editor: If you are like me, you were not aware just how much is at stake ...

Letters to the Editor

Time is right for tax reform

To the editor: “If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street. If you try to sit, I’ll ...

Letters to the Editor

Sprague champion of entrepreneurs

To the editor: The entire team at Turner HD Media would like to publicly acknowledge Lynn Sprague for ...

Letters to the Editor

Is there a free water club in the Tiny Kingdom?

To the editor: Thank you my friend for the kind words concerning the editorial Water, water issues everywhere ...

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