Letters to the Editor

Narcotic government dependency shameful

To the editor: On Saturday, Oct. 19, TDB’s lead headline read, “Government reopening answered prayer for many in ...

Letters to the Editor

Maddening advertising

To the editor: As the bedside radio music alarm comes to life at precisely 6:45 a.m., I am ...

Letters to the Editor

Motorcycle riders learn valuable skills

To the editor: My wife and I completed an all day motorcycle skills training program in Columbus, Saturday, ...

Letters to the Editor

It’s cryin’ time again in Tiny Kingdom

To the editor: Warning! Reading this may give you a headache, or it may cause you to cry! ...

Letters to the Editor

Roadblocks violate constitutions

To the editor: Many citizens of Polk County are upset with the increasing number of roadblocks. I am ...

Letters to the Editor

Tryon mayor’s observations

To the editor: Recently the Town of Tryon Council voted to raise ad valorem (property) taxes by 2.5 ...

Letters to the Editor

Water authority would provide access to all county taxpayers

To the editor: It was good to read that some serious steps are being taken (once again) to ...

Letters to the Editor

Rational discussion sadly throttled

To the editor: Please allow me to share two of the thoughts that have occurred to me during ...

Letters to the Editor

Shutdown unconservative

To the editor: Forgetting the potential financial disaster that could occur in the event the debt ceiling is ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Stinkbug wars

To the editor: I’ve lived in enough places in my 66 years to know quite a bit about ...

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