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Our country and its flag

I recently went to my first live rodeo. All the young cowboys and girls were looking so smart ...

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Dealing with tyrants

The mainstream media’s attempts to portray President Donald Trump’s dealings with Kim Jung Un as “cozying up to ...

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Correcting the record

This letter is in response to series of letters published in last Wednesday’s Bulletin. I have never lived ...

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A win-win for Highway 108

I’m writing in regards to the expansion of Highway 108 between Columbus and Tryon. My husband and I ...

Letters to the Editor

And now for the rest of the story

The North Carolina Department of Transportation has finally finished their trilogy on what they have planned for Polk ...

Letters to the Editor

Commissioner: Why I voted ‘Nay’

A primary concern I have as a Polk County commissioner is making sure that we are, at all ...

Letters to the Editor

The TIEC development agreement and the future of Polk County

To start, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has reached out to me via ...

Letters to the Editor

Where are our leaders?

We are now faced with another fiasco, with the North Carolina Department of Transportation trying to make “unsolicited ...

Letters to the Editor

Changes in place for recycling operation

Hello recyclers! Our Columbus location has changed from Hampton Court across from the Womack Building to the Ward ...

Letters to the Editor

Put county before party

We’re at a point where identification with a political party has assumed far more importance that it had ...

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