Letters to the Editor

Commissioners can still stop trapping legislation

To the editor: We concerned citizens for the protection of our wildlife in Polk County are getting a ...

Letters to the Editor

More on Chocolate Drop

To the editor: At the Feb. 4 commissioners’ meeting commissioner Holbert asked that Mitch Stott be allowed to ...

Letters to the Editor

Chocolate Drop

To the editor: Leah Justice’s article “Chocolate Drop discussion stirs debate” of Feb. 12, 2013 is a good ...

Letters to the Editor

Can a christian school survive in Polk County?

To the editor: Home school? Public school? Expensive private school? Local residents have many options to consider when ...

Letters to the Editor

Name spelled wrong

To the editor: I have violated the first rule of newspapering that I learned from Seth Vining early ...

Letters to the Editor

Trapping: response communicated from Rep. Chris Whitmire

To the editor: After I attended the commissioners meeting on Feb. 4 where the resolution to allow trapping ...

Letters to the Editor

Ambush governing keeps residents unaware

To the editor: In the Dec. 28 issue of the Bulletin, Renée McDermott exposed a woeful new method ...

Letters to the Editor

Wool being pulled over our eyes

To the editor: I was quoted at the Commissioners’ meeting as saying that there is no reason to ...

Letters to the Editor

Democratic process

To the editor: Excuse me for saying so Mr. (James) Moore but since when is throwing away 10 ...

Letters to the Editor

How archaic

To the editor: I was shocked when I read the Bulletin Jan. 23 that our commissioners approved a ...

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