Letters to the Editor

Much to pray for in our world

To the editor: “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is ...

Letters to the Editor

BOC wasting county resources

To the editor: It wasn’t long ago that the Republicans on the Board of Commissioners (BOC) delayed a ...

Letters to the Editor

What if a church decided to be different?

To the editor: What if a church decided to be different? What could it become? What if a ...

Letters to the Editor

Time to get rid of elites

To the editor: Obamacare is sinking. Any idea that there are computers and bureaucrats that can organize and ...

Letters to the Editor

BBBS needs donations

To the editor: It’s again time to contemplate our year-end, tax-deductible, charitable giving. In keeping with the focus ...

Letters to the Editor

Equine industry not a subset of farming

To the editor: Judy Heinrich’s letter to the Bulletin (published Dec. 6) raises a concern that our burgeoning ...


Lumping horses with farmers

To the editor: Judy Heinrich’s letter to the TDB Dec. 6, “Why equine isn’t farming,” is a thorough ...

Letters to the Editor

Why equine isn’t farming

Having attended both Economic Development work sessions for county commissioners, I’m writing to offer them input (not allowed ...

Letters to the Editor

A fond farewell to Polk recreation staff

I would like to thank Patty Aldred and Chris Zellner for their many years of steadfast dedication to ...


VFW takes pride in service

To the editor: The Polk County Memorial VFW Post #9116 and Ladies Auxiliary (Columbus) has held a Veterans ...

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