Letters to the Editor

Dallara project poorly planned

Dear Town of Tryon and officials of same, I read the recent article in the Bulletin concerning the ...

Letters to the Editor

Potential dangers of Smart Meters

This letter is to inform people of the potential dangers of Smart Meters, now installed in Tryon, and ...

Letters to the Editor

On wonderful customer care

I knew I went to the right dealer when I purchased a car at Stott’s. That decision has ...


Angels along for the ride

I would like to share an important story of my move and answered prayer. On our move in January ...

Letters to the Editor

Pit bulls: “I could not ask for a better dog”

I could not agree more with the author (of the letter published Tuesday, June 27, “The plus of ...

Letters to the Editor

Tryon’s Trashing Country

Tryon – Trashing Country. A descriptive slogan both accurate and off-putting. In a perfect world, trash throwers would ...

Letters to the Editor

A Bitter Harvest

These days we seem to live in a surreal, post-truth society, one where you can’t believe anyone or ...

Letters to the Editor

Adopt an animal this summer

You may be a person who dramatically changes our world, but have you considered that you also may ...

Letters to the Editor

Since he knows so much…

Reading Mr. Ready’s article leads me to believe that he has never missed a Polk County Commissioners meeting. ...

Letters to the Editor

Leadership vs. management

President Trump has revealed himself to be an absentee leader. His training started being an absentee landlord dependent ...

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