
New Century Scholars inducted at ICC

Seventh and eighth graders from Polk and Rutherford counties were welcomed as New Century Scholars this week at ...


BREAKING GROUNDS: Big Guns Coffee to partner with ICC on indoor hydroponic coffee farm

Coffee shop and college collaborate to build first-of-its-kind facility    FOOTHILLS—A local coffee shop owner is teaming up ...


Robertson to serve as Tryon Elementary interim principal

TRYON—A veteran elementary school administrator will serve as Tryon Elementary School’s principal for the remainder of the 2023-24 ...


“Plugs for Pollinators” coming to Polk County High School

The Spring FFA Plant Sale organized by Polk County High School students and staff is a popular annual ...


Afterschool students learn about nature with Champions for Wildlife 

In the latest Champions for Wildlife monthly conversation in Polk County afterschool programs for grades K-8, the question ...


Tryon Elementary School hosts Centennial Celebration

Event features historic displays, music and more   TRYON—On Saturday, October 14, Tryon Elementary School held a Centennial ...


Trauma expert shares insights with Polk County educators

Faculty and staff from throughout Polk County Schools spent part of a recent workday hearing from an expert ...


Farm Bureau teacher supply donations 

Farm Bureau thanks all of those who donated supplies for the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee teacher supply drive! ...


Polk County Middle School A and A/B Honor Roll

8th GRADE “A” HONOR ROLL   Sofie Abrahamsen Grace Baglia Aubrey Bell Emma Blomeley Ryan Blomeley Renee Bright ...


Saluda Elementary School A and A/B Honor Roll

5th Grade A Honor Roll Ivey Neel   4th Grade A Honor Roll Isabella Emery Grace Kuhn Carina ...

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