Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

Coming full circle

As I begin to tell this wonderful tale that warmed my heart, I’m sitting here reflecting on the ...

Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

The old and the new

I explained a while back that my stories will be sporadic due to personal problems. Many of you ...

Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

Quality of life

I will often ask many questions before I take on a case. Within reason, I try to maintain ...

Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

Doing what I can for my kids

This week began with me checking on Prancer, the heartworm case at Bonnie Brae.  Prancer’s treatment won’t take ...

Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

Win some, lose some

Before anyone worries about my kids, all that I’m working with are doing fine. Things just don’t always ...

Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

Working with old friends to help my kids

There are two times each year when the same dynamic of donations to Lennie’s Kids occurs. From mid-April ...

Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

Answer to a prayer

Please indulge me, dear readers, as I recite a prayer that I repeat almost daily:   Dear Lord, ...

Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

A Poem: Endless Cats

Dear Readers,   Though I tried to explain why we took the kittens from the young one-year-old cats ...

Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

The beat goes on

It’s been another crazy week and I seem to be going through funds as quickly as I raise ...

Special Cases - Leonard Rizzo

This is what it’s all about

There is a family that is going through some very difficult times both physically and financially. It is ...

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