Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Don’t be a humblebraggert!

“February dawn — frost on the path where I paced all winter.”    ~ Jack Kerouac   Humblebrag. ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Spring is getting closer

“I’m climbing out of this season, fingernails ragged, belly soft. I tuck a stem of dried mint behind ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

A tree in waiting

Moon dance, you were not to blame.    Nor you,  lovely white moth.   But I saw you ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Nature doing her thing

“Joy is not made to be a crumb.” ~  Mary Oliver   If you watch a squirrel raiding ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

The hope of spring

I wonder if the sap is stirring yet, If wintry birds are dreaming of a mate, If frozen ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Turkey searching for a special someone

I`m looking for a love I`m looking here and there I`m searching everywhere I`m looking for a love ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Start the New Year with love and kindness

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

The true magic of the holiday season

“Christmas – that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Lessons are gifted to us everyday

…in the blue gloom of early morning, the sky heavy with portents of snowfall, the air crisp with ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Good ole’ Mr. Coffee

“If we were not here…the show would play to an empty house, as do all those falling stars ...

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