Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Wild and windy weather

It could happen any time, tornado, earthquake, Armageddon. It could happen. Or sunshine, love, salvation. It could, you ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

The beauty of April

“Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today; And give us not to think so far away As ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Spring awakens

“It was that part of evening when the sun has gone but daylight still remains. The whippoorwills called ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

The beauty of March

“We make things and seed them into the world, never fully knowing — often never knowing at all ...

Saluda News & Notations - Bonnie J. Bardos

Everyone needs a little help from time to time

“You normally have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of daffodils, sunsets ...


Mark your calendar for these events in Saluda

“For me, an area of moral clarity is: you’re in front of someone who’s suffering and you have ...


The woman in the mirror

On a clear winter’s evening The crescent moon And the round squirrels’ nest In the bare oak Are ...


Shopping for doggies

Am I the only person who sometimes has a whole day of getting not-much-of-anything-done…no matter how good my ...


Enjoy every moment

“The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.” ~ William C. ...


Thoughtfulness towards others

A sunny January afternoon found me out in the garden checking on pansies, finally lifting their faces up ...

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