On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

Shell-ebrating Turtles: Learning all about these awesome reptiles

I love turtles. And I’m in good company. Lots of folks love them. Box turtles, sliders, snapping turtles, ...

On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

Moths: Nature’s quiet wonders

I never thought of moths as pollinators until recently. Their cousins, the butterfly, get a lot more attention. ...

On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

There’s a lot to love about snakes

Snakes need some love. Often misunderstood and great for our environment, snakes sometimes get a bad rap.  Do ...

On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

Why do amazing beavers build dams?

Ever wonder why beavers build dams? I know, it’s not something you think about every day. But when ...

On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

Eight reasons to love the amazing opossum

Do opossums wander through your yard? Before you freak out, let’s look at why you might want to ...


“Please don’t move my rocks,” says the hellbender

Have you heard of a hellbender? And if not, just what is one? How about the longest salamander ...

On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

Spiders: Creepy or eight-legged heroes?

Do spiders give you the creeps? You’re not alone; many folks find them scary, with about 33% of ...

On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

Plant it, and they will come

Imagine no baby birds or foxes or bears. It’s pretty simple. Wildlife needs good habitat to survive and ...

On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

Skunks: Yellowjacket slayers

Have you ever thought much about skunks? Probably not. They seem forgotten until that dreadful smell hits you. ...

On the Wild Side - Loti Woods

What’s living under Dale’s studio?

The leaves next to Dale’s studio are rustling. “Cool, it must be our resident black snake,” I thought ...

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