Latest Ask Aunty Pam- Pam Stone


Should we pay the babysitter?

Dear Aunty Pam, Will you please help settle an argument between my husband and I? I’ll send you ...

Ask Aunty Pam - Pam Stone

Caught off-guard by casual couch proposal

Dear Aunty Pam,   Over Thanksgiving I got engaged, or at least I think I did. I guess ...

Ask Aunty Pam- Pam Stone

Zircon in the rough

Dear Aunty Pam,   The man of my dreams recently proposed to me and I said yes. I ...

Ask Aunty Pam- Pam Stone

A marriage license should come with an expiration date

Dear Aunty Pam,   Do you have time for a letter from a silly senior woman? I hope ...


Killing them with kindness

Dear Aunty Pam,   Boy, I hope you can help me with this problem. I regularly attend a ...


Potty problems

Dear Aunty Pam, I’m hoping you can talk sense to my wife because she always reads your column ...


An embarrassing situation

Dear Aunty Pam,   I’ve been in an embarrassing situation the last year in that I lost my ...


Friends saying unfriendly things

Dear Aunty Pam,   I have a little bit of a serious problem. I have a good friend ...

Ask Aunty Pam- Pam Stone

Blind date disappointment

Dear Aunty Pam, I went out on a blind date set up by a couple of friends with ...


Ask Aunty Pam

I’m a little concerned about my son. What my husband sees as being ‘frugal,’ I see as plain ...

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