
Lauren Edwards in Collinsville

Lauren Edwards in Collinsville where her family has lived and worked since the 1800s. &bsp;.


An old piece of farm machinery sits next to golf carts

An old piece of farm machinery sits next to golf carts at the Meadowbrook Golf Club, reminding visitors ...


Zeno Frudakis sculpts

&bsp;Zeno Frudakis sculpts a bust of Nina Simone while Lisa Simone Kelly and Crys Armbrust look on.  ...


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THE STRONGEST READERSHIPReadership studies show the Bulletin with nearly three times the readership of any other local paper ...


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2008-2009 DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES Open Rate (one-time insertion) : $7. 60 per column inchRepeat Rate (multiple insertions without ...


A rock slide on Hwy. 176

(photo by Chris Dailey) A rock slide on Hwy. 176 near the Pacolet Valley and Tryon blocked ...


Cann resigns as LHS head football coach

&bsp;(photo by Joey Millwood)Landrum football coach and Athletic Director John Cann has been very nostalgic lately. On Wednesday ...


Polk new house permits down 14 pct in ?07

The number of permits issued for new houses in Polk County declined by about 14 percent in 2007 ...

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