Robin Edgar, Author at The Tryon Daily Bulletin


In farewell, remembering and reflecting on years of advice, wisdom

For the past two years, I have had the opportunity to gather personal legacies of individuals who lived in Landrum and Polk County during the ... Read more

by Robin Edgar, Thursday, April 21, 2016 10:00 pm


Our veterans who served our country: Diana (Lynne) Hannant

For some veterans, military service was a way to find a direction in life. Taking the good with the bad, they found they could rise ... Read more

by Robin Edgar, Thursday, April 7, 2016 10:00 pm


Our veterans who served our country: Richard “Dick” Belthoff

Many who serve in the military learn the importance of being part of a team and doing what you could to serve. Like Richard “Dick” ... Read more

by Robin Edgar, Thursday, March 24, 2016 10:00 pm


Our veterans who served our country: Theodore King

Editor’s Note: This special veteran is celebrating his 100th birthday this month and the community is invited to attend his party March 19. Details follow ... Read more

by Robin Edgar, Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:00 pm


Veterans who served our country: Bevin Corbin

Bevin Corbin grew up all over the world because his dad, Robert Corbin, was in the Air Force until he retired after 23 years of ... Read more

by Robin Edgar, Thursday, February 25, 2016 10:00 pm


Veterans who served our country: Darrel J. Moore

For some who enlisted, military service served them well after discharge, like Darrel Moore, the current Veterans Service Officer for Polk County. Although his parents ... Read more

by Robin Edgar, Thursday, February 11, 2016 10:00 pm


Our veterans who served our country: Paul Kiefer

For some, serving in the military seemed inevitable, especially with the draft. Fortunately, those who served had the opportunity to learn a skill, which helped ... Read more

by Robin Edgar, Thursday, January 21, 2016 10:00 pm


Our veterans who served our country: Richard “Rick” Kelley

The disciplined training and opportunity to become a valuable team member while serving in the military gave many the confidence to excel in business once ... Read more

by Robin Edgar, Thursday, January 14, 2016 10:00 pm


Clifford “Cliff” Walden: Surviving the Great Depression

Clifford “Cliff” Walden was born in Landrum in 1927, the youngest of four children of A. R and Sallie Jane Walden. HIs father, the country ... Read more

by Robin Edgar, Thursday, December 24, 2015 11:36 pm


Leo Tarpley: Surviving the Great Depression

Leo Tarpley was born in Springfield, Mo. in 1924 and moved with his family to Liberal, Kan. in the high plains in Kansas. The area ... Read more

by Robin Edgar, Thursday, December 10, 2015 9:28 pm

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