Oh ye of little faith

Published 4:31 pm Friday, October 21, 2011

It has been awhile since I’ve told a Best Medicine tale, they are without a doubt my most enjoyable cases.
Two weeks ago I told the tale of Ranger, the 3-year-old Lab Shepherd that was struck by a car. Fearing a difficult case I prayed, “Lord I may need a little help on this one.”
Around seven years ago, the McDowell’s, Rosa Lee and Perry, bought a stray lab and shepherd mix into their home, which they named Honey. The bond between animal and family was quick, strong, loving and lasting.  Honey was treasured by the McDowell’s and gave back unconditional love, as is often the case when an unwanted pet finds a forever home.  Unfortunately, forever denotes only the life of the animal, for God only lends them to us, and at 9 years old, Honey passed on leaving a gaping hole in the McDowell’s home.
Meanwhile I was visiting Ranger daily, checking on his status. The vets and staff assured me he was healing nicely, though he was now wearing a plastic collar so he wouldn’t pick at his wounds.
After a week at Landrum vet I received a call from Rosa Lee expressing interest in Ranger. At that time I learned all about Honey and how much they missed her.
“I read all your articles, Mr. Rizzo,” she said, “and when I read of Ranger and saw his photo I was compelled to visit Honey’s grave, looking for approval, I suppose.”
Rosa Lee moved me deeply and when I learned they had 3 ½ acres of fenced in property, I instinctively knew that this would be the best medicine for Ranger and the McDowell’s.
True to her word, Rosa Lee went to visit Ranger, removed his collar and took him for a walk. In the days following, Ranger seemed to have gained a new spirit of life. He had already been neutered at my request and I asked that all proper test for parasites be conducted, which thankfully came up negative. Over the weekend I was informed that the adoption of Ranger was a certainty and we arranged to meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday morning to finalize the transfer. I saw to it that Ranger received all his shots, received a microchip and that all papers and tags would be ready.
I arrived shortly after 9 a.m., settled the bill and went in to see Ranger. The whole vets office was beaming, they like myself revel in a happy outcome.  Rosa Lee came in to claim Ranger shortly before 10 a.m. and after all the paperwork was signed I brought him out to her. Ranger’s whole demeanor brightened up in her presence and I had a flashback of Snowy and Chase.  As I held him in my arms and kissed him goodbye there wasn’t a dry eye in the office from both staff and clients, with Rosa Lee leading the way.
After Ranger was placed in the car and he drove away heading for a new life I thought to myself, “Shortly after two weeks since he’d been struck by a car, that’s almost a record for me.” Then I sat down on the bench and tearfully prayed, “What a fool I am dear Lord, I’m merely an instrument in your hands. From the moment of Honey’s passing, you were in control, forgive me for my lack of faith.”
On an unrelated subject or maybe not? The following Saturday morning while doing my little yard sale for Lennie’s kids at T.J.’s I was approached by a couple I know from the café. It seems they had adopted Beatrice, the sweet totally deaf 12-year-old Beagle from FHS. I was familiar with this dog and blessed them as I was led to their car to give her some hugs and kisses.  “By the way,” they told me, “I hope you don’t mind, but we decided to change her name to Honey.”
Thanks for listening.

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