Guice speaks to new PAC
Published 9:13 am Thursday, September 8, 2011
Rep. David Guice spoke of a “changed Raleigh” to members of the newly formed Foothills Conservative Political Action Committee (FCPAC) during the group’s monthly meeting Sept. 6 in Tryon.
“We absolutely are doing some good work in Raleigh,” Guice said. “It’s been a different place, my friends.”
In January, Republicans in North Carolina took full control of both the House and Senate for the first time since 1870. Guice thanked voters in the room for giving conservative leaders a chance to “clean the barn out.”
“We were about to come together for the first time in the House on a budget that the Senate sent back with few changes. Then the governor vetoed our budget, but we were able to work with enough people across that aisle to overturn that veto.”
Republicans and a handful of Democrats have overturned multiple vetoes from Gov. Bev Purdue, Guice said, including bills regarding medical reform, abortion, Medicaid health choice reform and unemployment tax paid by employers.
Representatives return to session Monday, Sept. 12.
Among the topics set for discussion is the Defense of Marriage Act, also vetoed by Purdue, Guice said.
“All we’re asking for is you the citizen to have the right to vote; for you the citizen to have the right to vote whether you think a marriage should be between a man and a woman,” he said.
Guice and members of FCPAC also conversed about immigration, the Voter I.D. Bill and redistricting.
FCPAC member Cheryl Every said the energy brewing within the new committee excites her.
“This is about engaging more people in the political world,” Every said. “When we’re out in the community people are talking about politics. I get stuck at the grocery store talking about it. So, we felt we needed a social way for conservatives to come together and talk about their concerns.”
The group formed three months ago and has since grown to about 30 regular attendees at its monthly dinner meetings. The group will continue to meet the first Tuesday of every month, with the next meeting scheduled for Oct. 4 at the clubhouse at Tryon Country Club.
Next month’s speaker will be Karen Duquette from The Civitas Institute. Duquette is considered a healthcare legislation expert within the organization.
An annual membership fee is required. Every said a majority of the funds will be used directly to back conservative candidates in local elections.