Crop loss assistance deadline for 2009 producers
Published 10:15 am Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is reminding producers that Friday, July 29 is the deadline to apply for 2009 crop loss assistance under the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Program.
“USDA stresses to all eligible producers to be aware of this deadline,” said executive director, Kelly Springs.
“SURE covers producers on farms in disaster counties that incurred crop production, crop-quality losses or both. But to qualify, farmers need to file now. I highly encourage Polk County producers to visit the USDA Farm Service Agency Office at 61 Triple Springs Rd., Hendersonville.” said Springs.
To be eligible, producers must have suffered at least a 10 percent production loss on a crop of economic significance and obtained a policy or plan of insurance under the federal crop insurance act or the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP), for all economically significant crops. A producer must have a farming interest physically located in a county that was declared a primary disaster county or contiguous county by the secretary of Agriculture under a Secretarial Disaster Designation or have actual production on the farm that was less than 50 percent of the normal production on the farm due to a natural disaster.
A producer interested in signing up for SURE for their 2009 crops must do so before close of business July 29, at the county FSA office servicing the producer. For more information about USDA Farm Service Agency disaster assistance programs, visit the FSA office or
– article submitted by Kelly R. Springs