TFAC and TP& host art contest
Published 1:37 pm Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tryon Fine Arts Center, in conjunction with Tryon Painters and Sculptors, is putting on a play by Steve Martin called “Picasso at the Lapin Agile,” on January 28, 29, and 30.
Tryon Painters and Sculptors will be sponsoring a contest for two and three-dimensional original art pieces inspired by Picassos Blue and Cubist periods. The Fine Arts Center and the Painters and Sculptors are hopeful that the art departments at local schools will share this information with their students, encourage them to participate, and even include some introduction/instruction to Picasso in their classes.
Anyone can enter from 3 to 103 years old. Entries can be: any mixed media paintings or drawings up to 36; sculptures up to 24 table size, up to 36 wall hangings and up to 72 floor.
Two winning pieces will be selected for display in the play. All other entries will be shown in our two galleries at the Tryon Fine Arts Center: Gallery One and the Mahler Family Room.
Dates to enter the pieces in the contest will be Friday, January 8 from 3 to 5 p.m. and Saturday, January 9 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Tryon Fine Art Centers lobby, 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon, N.C.
For inquiries call Alice Bentivegna at (828) 894-0390.