High heat and poor air quality hit SC 

Published 10:44 pm Sunday, July 7, 2019


UPSTATE—The Department of Health and Environmental Control issued an alert for poor air quality in parts of South Carolina on July 3. The Upstate is in the “Moderate” category but officials warn that the high heat and humidity can make conditions worse. 

The alert is meant to warn South Carolina residents of unhealthy levels of ozone; those conditions can be made worse by high heat and stagnant weather conditions. Officials from the Department of Health and Environmental Control warn that the conditions are the most dangerous to people with lung diseases, young children and seniors. They anticipate that the air conditions will be at the worst during the afternoon and early evening 

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The alert went into affect on Wednesday July 3, and will continue through the weekend.  The Upstate is listed as “Moderate” with Columbia and the center of the state getting the worst of it. Columbia and its surrounding counties were issued a Code Orange alert due to unhealthy levels of ozone in addition to their anticipation that the weather will reach temperatures above 100ºF.  

To continually monitor the situation and view the status of the alert for the Upstate visit the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control website,  www.scdhec.gov 

By Samuel Robinson 
