Improvements beginning 

Published 10:27 pm Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Saluda’s CIP construction to begin April 29 


SALUDA—The City of Saluda will begin its planned repairs to its water and sewer system on April 29, as the city contracted with a company recently.  

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The city sent out a notice on Wednesday to say repairs are anticipated to continue throughout the remainder of the year.  

“Some street access will be impacted by the construction,” said city manager Jonathan Cannon. “Efforts will be made to minimize delays and street closures during construction.”  

Cannon said as soon as he has information on the project schedules, he will send out further updates.  

Streets to see impacts will include Chestnut Street, Hart Street, Florida Avenue, Ozone Drive and Poplar Street.  

Saluda has spent a couple of years of getting approval for a United States Department of Agriculture loan for its capital improvement plan projects. The city was approved for $1.9 million loan and has increased water and sewer rates in order to pay back the loan to complete a list of needed infrastructure projects. Last year, the construction bids came in too high and the city had to borrow more money and delete a project from the scope.  

The city has had to get North Carolina Local Government Commission approval for the project.  

Last year, the city opened construction bids, which ranged from $1.9 million to $3.1 million, which were all over budget. The city originally anticipated the construction bid would be around $1.5 million.  

Cannon said the projects are anticipated to continue through the end of 2019 once construction starts on April 29