Room at the inn
Published 6:11 pm Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I begin this tale with a totally unrelated matter, but youll see upon conclusion its purpose.
Tim and Allyn Johnson from Boykin Spaniel Rescue are among my biggest supporters. During my fund raiser, Allyns mother, Marilyn Talbot, gave a large donation with the promise to do more if she could. Before Christmas, Marilyn contacted her children and wondered if they would mind, that in lieu of Christmas gifts, she would make a certain gesture of which they all readily agreed.
This week, seven $100.00 checks were received by Allyns beloved Boykins, the Humane Societies Chicken Soup Fund and Lennies Urgent Care Fund. God bless you Marilyn and your children for supporting my mission.
On December 15th, Mike (Cowboy) Herman, our animal control officer, picked up Joseph on Collinsville Road and brought him to F.H.S. Joseph was immediately sent to Landrum vet and I was contacted.
The next day, I went to the vets office and Gabrielle (Gabby) led me to him. Gabby, a daschund owner, had already made Joseph a personal dog to care for and a special bond had already been forged.
Joseph is a 12 to 14 year old long haired daschund and his condition was pitiful, to say the least.
Josephs hair was falling out in clumps and at first it was thought that he had mange. Instead Joseph was literally covered with fleas and he was pulling his hair out. He was so anemic from the infestation that his gums were white and as a result hell probably lose a few teeth. His stool was full of grass, nuts and just about anything he deemed edible to sustain himself. He was loaded with worms, but thank heavens was heartworm negative. His eyes had begun to cloud over (just like Pippis) and hopefully with care and time they will clear up.
Joseph was frightened and in pain, but on that first day, he allowed me to pet him as he rested in Gabbys arms. Gabby and I were both in tears as she related his story. Can you take him on as a special case, Lennie? Gabby asked. I will contact the Humane Society and tell them that all of Josephs care will be paid for from Lennies Urgent Care Fund. You just see that Joseph gets everything he needs, and I mean EVERYTHING!!!
Doctor Raines, who had been listening from the other room, nodded tearfully.
Joseph is eating well and gaining strength daily, but there is much more yet to do for him. Gabby and I both agree that when all is said and done were going to see one sleek, sweet and handsome little man.
The last time Joseph and I were alone, I made him this vow. You just keep fighting and maintain your will to live and from this point on, you will know nothing but love. And I also promise that this year, sweet Joseph, for you there will be room at the inn.
And to you, Mrs. Talbot and your lovely family, Merry Christmas, this one was on you.
Thanks for listening.~ Special Cases written by Leonard Rizzo