United Methodist Men to host steak dinner Oct. 19

Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, October 12, 2016

United Methodist Men Steak Dinner

United Methodist Men Steak Dinner

It’s time again, Oct. 19, 5–7 p.m., for the best steak dinner in Tryon, a tradition that was started over four decades ago. The menu includes rib-eye steaks, baked potatoes, rolls, tossed salad, beverages, and a dessert. All proceeds benefit worthwhile causes within and beyond the church walls, reaching many parts of Polk County.

This tradition involves more than just a great meal, however. It’s a time when people throughout Polk County have an opportunity to visit and catch up with old and new friends. Meals and takeouts will be served in the fellowship hall from 5 until 7 p.m.

Tickets can be purchased at the church office, the Columbus Flower Cottage, Owen’s Pharmacy, or from the United Methodist Men. We invite the entire community to come for great food, fun and fellowship.

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– article submitted by Miriam Wray