Tryon Garden Club begins a new year, celebrates 85 years of Pearson’s Falls stewardship

Published 10:00 pm Monday, September 12, 2016

The Tryon Garden Club is beginning its new year with many

Pearson’s Falls and Glen is a wonderful 1/4 mile walk through a deciduous forest to a 90 foot waterfall. It is maintained and operated by the Tryon Garden Club to be enjoyed by all.

Pearson’s Falls and Glen is a wonderful 1/4 mile walk through a deciduous forest to a 90 foot waterfall. It is maintained and operated by the Tryon Garden Club to be enjoyed by all.

interesting activities. Program Chairman Eva Pratt has lined up five very engaging and varied speakers. These speakers will be featured at our meetings held at FENCE, 3381 Hunting Country Road, Tryon, NC, on the third Wednesday of the month. The meetings start at 1 p.m. There are refreshments at 1:30 and the program begins at 2 p.m. The programs are free and open to the public. Please come and get to know the Tryon Garden Club members as well as enjoy an informative program pertinent to our area.

In addition, members are currently working on producing an educational video for school children thanks to a TIEC Great Charity Challenge Grant. Plans are being developed for an upgrading of the existing Pearson’s Falls garden house so it will function well as an education center. The club is celebrating 85 years of stewardship of Pearson’s Falls. And the Trails Committee is organizing docent led ‘Walk and Talks’ for Saturdays in October. Pearson’s Falls Operations Manager Andy Ruff reports that the number of visitors is growing every month. And the club is maintaining the quiet and relaxing Depot Garden in downtown Tryon.

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The Tryon Garden Club is a 501(c)3 organization, one of the oldest garden clubs in North Carolina, having been organized in 1928. Its mission is to foster awareness and an appreciation for the natural world by preserving, protecting and treasuring Pearson’s Falls, contributing to the beautification of Tryon, educating members and the community, and collaborating with others.

– article submitted by Lucy Brannon

Want to go?

Sept. 21: Ceille Baird and Jim Welch will present “Nature, Poetry, and Nature Scene Travel”

Nov. 16: Joy Soderquist, TGC archivist, will present “Honoring Tryon Visionaries – 85th Anniversary of Pearson’s Falls”

Jan. 18: Betty Montgomery will present “Your Garden in Winter”

Feb. 15: Speaker Jay Leutze, author of “Stand Up That Mountain” will focus on the Appalachian Trail at Roan Mountain

March 15: Rudy Mancke will present “Springtime in the Mountains”