Puddle jumping bug army
Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, August 30, 2016
To the editor:
Most mornings in the summer (in winter, it’s the afternoons) I enjoy a quiet walk on the paths at Harmon Field or FENCE. Because of all the rain we’ve had and the clouds blocking the sun, there are a number of large puddles of water along these paths. I walk mostly down by the horse barns. This Friday for the first time I saw what I have been looking for and hoping I would not see.
There were ripples on the water. So I took my old man’s bent over look-see. There they were, tiny black creatures scooting around at ‘speed’ in the water. They were either side of a quarter of an inch in length. I did not see them there yesterday. The insect world can be scary at times. How so many and of good size and speed got in there is enough to wind up on a TV horror show. I’m a city boy from Philly. The streets have taught me to cheat at cards, sneak fruit off a counter, and BS my way out of a ticket. But things living in puddles take me a while to comprehend. Enjoying the outdoors as I do, I’m learning.
We are going through a mosquito alert. I don’t think what I saw was their larva or whatever. But if these creatures are in the water today, the mosquitos will be there tomorrow.
I think it a good idea if someone from the health department took a look. As they would say on the Andy Griffith show, “Now don’t talk about it. Do it, do it.” Before a million bug army comes swarming to our homes.
~ Charles Harpt, Tryon, N.C.