Kids feed kids for Feed A Kid project

Published 10:00 pm Thursday, July 14, 2016

Belen Akers, Rollins Carter, Amy Ballentine, Riley Ballentine, Andy Ballentine, Cameron Greve, Doug Lyon

Belen Akers, Rollins Carter, Amy Ballentine, Riley Ballentine, Andy Ballentine, Cameron Greve, Doug Lyon

In 2012, the Board of Outreach of the Congregational Church of Tryon initiated a program to provide a summer weekly meal for children who were qualified for the free and reduced lunches during the school year. The program, in partnership with Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry (TBOM), has continued for the past five years.  Funding is provided through the church’s annual appeal.

This summer, 142 children in 45 families living throughout the county will be served. Children are identified through the schools by teachers and counselors as at risk for food insufficiency. Over 50 volunteers from the Congregational Church and the community will pack meals at TBOM and deliver them directly to the homes.

This year generous donations and volunteers for packing and/or driving have come from the Church of the Transfiguration in Saluda and from Thermal Belt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Routes have been expanded from six to eight: three in Mill Spring, one in Green Creek, one in Tryon/Saluda, three in Columbus.

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Congregational Church member and this year’s Feed A Kid coordinator, Carolyne Rostick, reported that more and more children have asked if they could help pack food for the FAK Project. Here are five helping out on July 11. More kids will pack throughout the summer. Adults there that day were Doug Lyon, Amy and Charlie Ballentine, and Jessica Greve.  George Alley, executive director of TBOM, visited the group and gave his thanks.  Please give him a call should you be interested in assisting with the Feed A Kid project.

The Congregational Church of Tryon, United Church of Christ (UCC), will be celebrating its 125th anniversary this year. The church has played an active role in the Tryon area since 1891, one of spiritual growth, outreach, justice, fellowship, and diversity. Learn more at, and on Facebook as The Congregational Church, Tryon NC (United Church of Christ).

– article submitted

by Ellen Harvey Zipf