Batchelder to teach economics course at ICC Polk Center

Published 3:44 pm Monday, October 26, 2015

Alan Batchelder, PhD., Economics, will teach a “Useful Ideas in Economics” course at the ICC Polk Center in Columbus starting Wednesday, October 28.     

The class, covering Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, will meet each Wednesday from 2 – 3:30 p.m. for eight weeks from October 28 – December 16 at Isothermal Community College’s Polk Center.

Batchelder, an economics professor for 24 years, is a published author of books on poverty and on international trade.  He worked with the Harvard Development Advisory Service and the United States Agency for International Development, in more than 20 countries, primarily Africa, on economic policy reforms in “developing” nations. Since retiring, he has been actively volunteering in the community.

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For more information or to register or for this or any other classes, please call Isothermal Community College Polk Center at 828-894-3092. New classes start weekly.

– Submitted by Kate Barkschat