Tryon proposes budget with cuts to police, street departments
Published 5:12 pm Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tryon is also still working on its proposed water and sewer budget, which has yet to be determined, but will probably include an increase.
Tryon Town Council will meet Monday at 5:30 p.m. at the Tryon Fire Department for another budget work session. The workshop on Monday will likely focus on the water and sewer budget.
&dquo;Our intent in developing the proposed budget was to work within the confines of a revenue neutral tax with no growth adjustment,&dquo; said Hembree in his budget message to commissioners. &dquo;However, a sharp decrease in anticipated revenue from sales tax and two major expenditures included in the proposed budget for the general fund make this difficult to accomplish without severely impacting service levels and operational requirements.&dquo;
Tryon is responsible next fiscal year for the payment of $30,000 as its share of the Community Development Block Grant to rehab homes and infrastructure around E. Livingston Street. The town will also pay another $30,000 for its share of the grant in fiscal year 2010-2011. Tryon is also partially funding an economic development director position with the Tryon Downtown Development Association (TDDA), which will cost the town $14,000 next fiscal year.
The proposed budget does not include any new vehicles for the police department and the police department&squo;s proposed budget reflects a 13.23 percent decrease from the current year. The streets department is also looking at cuts of 12.42 percent below the current year.
Tryon is also looking at a 25 percent decrease in revenue from beer and wine taxes and a 40 percent decrease in revenue from the ABC board.
The proposed budget does not anticipate spending any money next year out of the town&squo;s fund balance.
Tryon&squo;s new fiscal year begins July 1 with council required to approve a budget by June 30.