Men’s golf season opens at Red Fox
Published 10:05 am Friday, April 15, 2011
Opening day for the Red Fox Men’s Golf Association was Wednesday, March 30. It rained. However, a business meeting was conducted during the Opening Day Luncheon led by Dr. Bob Conrad, president. The group solidified plans for the 2011 golf season.
The following week, April 6, was the first official event of the new year, the low net score for individuals. It was not a happy day for any of the participants. Playing on freshly aerified greens, the best net score – a 76 – was posted by Roger Traxler. Fred Ellis and Dr. Bob Conrad tied for second with a net 79.
On Wednesday, April 13, play improved a bit. Playing the-best-net-ball-in-threesomes, Henry Martin, Roger Traxler and Dr. Bob Conrad posted a net 60 to win first place. Harold Wilson, Fred Ellis and Rusty VanVoorhis came in second with a net 62.
Regular play continues on Wednesday of each week. Sign up or call the Pro Shop at 828-894-8251 by Tuesday noon to be included in the weekly pairings. Be alert for special events as they may be scheduled throughout the season.