Too little too late

Published 12:49 pm Thursday, July 11, 2024

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A few months ago, I received a call about little Rosy, a Chihuahua mix. 

It seemed Rosy was having problems, and I was asked if I could help get her checked out. I okayed a checkup for Rosy.  

“Let’s see if we can help the little girl,” I said. I didn’t hear anything at all afterward until a week ago.  

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When that happens, I assume things were handled without my help. When the call came and asked if I could help Rosy, to be honest, I totally forgot the initial call. Many things have occurred since then, but I okayed having Rosy checked out once again.  

A few days ago, I received another call; Rosy was too far gone.

I was asked if I could help pay to humanely put her to sleep. I tearfully agreed, and though I was angry about it all, I could not know the scenario that led to the present events, so I paid the few hundred dollars and said a prayer.  

What makes me angry is that if the initial call had been followed up on, this poor little girl might have been saved.

At present, I have two major cases pending, and thanks to my angels, I am prepared and have the funds. Just today, I’ve taken on a stray that the family hopes to keep if I can help. More on that in the future.

I often pray for abused children; though helping the animals is my calling, children are held higher.

That being said, their animals are also God’s creation, and I’m sure He included them when He said, “What you do for the least of these, you do for me.”

May the Good Lord bless and keep you all.

Thanks for listening.