Dreaming Stone Arts and Ecology Center to offer Basic Life Support and First Aid training 

Published 11:00 am Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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Dreaming Stone Arts and Ecology Center will be offering basic life support and first aid training on Thursday, July 13.

This training will help participants recognize and respond appropriately to first aid emergencies, sudden illness, and cardiac arrest with the use of CPR and an automated external defibrillator, as well as life-threatening bleeding and acute trauma using basic and intermediate medical intervention skills and equipment. 

This training, taught by Lianna Costantino, can also provide participants with Red Cross First Aid and CPR/AED certification. This certification is good for two years and comes with a manual that can be accessed on the Red Cross Learning Center site. 

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Costantino is a Cherokee Nation citizen and storyteller, retired midwife and paramedic, a Red Cross Disaster Action Team volunteer, and emergency medical instructor. She trains the instructors for the Red Cross, American Heart Association, and Health and Safety Institute in all levels of emergency medical training, and serves on the Board of the Tribal Alliance Against Frauds.

The training will be held at 382 Pleasant Hill Road in Rutherfordton, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. All participants will receive a healthy lunch, coffee, beverages and snacks. Dreaming Stone Arts and Ecology Center is a learning and cultural center that builds strategies for community resilience and propagates cultural and biological diversity. 

For more information and to register for the training, visit https://dreamingstone.org/bls-first-aid/, or contact dreamingstonenc@gmail.com with questions. 


Submitted by Tevyn East