A wild ride of romance, action, and laughter

Published 10:54 am Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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This week at the Tryon Theatre is “The Fall Guy,” a hysterical romp in which a stuntman, Colt (played perfectly by Ryan Gosling), must face real-world danger to save himself and the love of his life. This film is a rambunctious and riotous film that perfectly blends the genres of romantic comedy and action to thrilling and hilarious ends. 

It’s directed by stunt performer turned director David Leitch, whose eye for staging action is near unrivaled in the modern era, with fight scenes both clear in their cinematography and frenetic in their energy. As a former stuntman, “The Fall Guy” is an especially personal project for Leitch, allowing him to showcase the world and performers he knows best. 

At the film’s outset, we are introduced to Colt, a successful and talented stuntman, who is soon waylaid by a severe injury during filming that seemingly spells the end for his career and his relationship with Jody (the film’s camerawoman played by the delightful Emily Blunt). Years later, Colt is drifting, emotionally and professionally destitute, until a surprise call from a film producer beckons Colt back to the world of film and a new set, one in which his ex, Jody, is now the director. 

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This re-introduction of ex-lovers provides no shortage of snark and barbs between the two, with misunderstanding and poor communication exacerbating the strain, but only adding to the humor. However, the romantic comedy vein of this film is not the only one explored, with the film spiraling into thrilling madness and action shortly after Colt’s arrival on set. The film’s lead goes missing, and Colt is tapped to help quietly recover him and get the film back on schedule. This task proves ludicrously difficult and thrusts Colt headlong into a conspiracy far above his pay grade.

“The Fall Guy” is light and snappy, a film that wants to entertain its audience with every option available to a filmmaker: laughs, thrills, and invigorating action. This film is similar to director Leitch’s last film, “Bullet Train,” which paired violent action with self-aware style and silliness to tremendously entertaining ends. “The Fall Guy” is no departure from this style; a mile-a-minute rollercoaster guaranteed to leave a smile. But all the entertainment factors aside, from a technical and artistic standpoint, this is a well-made film. “The Fall Guy,” in its depiction of filmmaking and its existence as a movie, demonstrates a loving and intelligent eye for the craft. The cinematography is clear and creative, the editing is fast but intelligible, and the sound design supports the dialogue while energizing the images.

For those familiar with The Fall Guy (1981-1986) TV Series, this film does not directly tie into that series but does feature a loving nod to it in the mid-credits.

“The Fall Guy” should prove reliably rewarding entertainment for almost any filmgoer while perfectly scratching that summer movie itch; all humor, thrills, and beautiful people! We hope to share some laughs and some adrenaline with you soon!