Saluda Pop-Up Pantry cultivates community through Farm to Neighbor initiative

Published 1:21 pm Tuesday, March 5, 2024

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SALUDA—Every Tuesday afternoon in the heart of downtown Saluda, the Saluda Pop-Up Pantry welcomes friends and neighbors experiencing food insecurity. 

The Pantry shelves look a little different each week as the availability of food fluctuates. One consistent offering, spanning the entire right wall of the pantry, is the bountiful and colorful produce section overflowing with fruits and vegetables from local farmers.  

The Farm to Neighbor program began in 2021 and is generously funded in part by a grant from the Polk County Community Foundation. At the core of this initiative is a dedication to fostering community relationships.  

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“The Farm to Neighbor program purchases fresh produce from local farmers at fair market value which has a positive impact for our community both financially and ecologically,” says Susan Casey, the program’s dedicated coordinator. “Supporting local farmers increases the opportunities for small farm retention in our county and the money spent in the community stays in the community, circulating to other businesses that offer goods and services and create jobs.”

Teresa Wilkinson, board chairperson of the Pantry, has watched the initiative grow in popularity over the last three years. 

“Our Farm to Neighbor program has become our shopper’s favorite because of the variety of produce we offer,” she says. “Not only is local produce more nutritious, but our volunteers help the shoppers learn how to prepare the vegetables. We are thankful that the Polk County Community Foundation supports this program.”

Pantry shoppers are often delighted by the abundance of fruits and vegetables offered each week and comment about how much it means to them to have access to fresh produce.  

“This is the main way I can get fresh vegetables for my kids,” says a mother shopping with two young children. “If it weren’t for y’all we’d only have veggies in cans.”

Local produce holds immense potential in addressing food insecurity. By prioritizing the inclusion of locally sourced produce the Saluda Pantry empowers individuals and families to access nutritious options that might otherwise be financially out of reach, thereby enhancing the nutritional quality of meals and promoting long-term health outcomes. Through collective efforts to support farmers and alleviate hunger, our community becomes stronger and more resilient, demonstrating the transformative power of collaboration in creating a more inclusive and sustainable food system.

For more information about the Saluda Pop-Up Pantry, email or visit 


Submitted by Kerri Pelz