Greene honored as Sneeden Leadership Award winner

Published 11:41 am Monday, July 17, 2023

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The North Carolina School Superintendents’ Association has announced the selection of Aaron Greene, Superintendent of Polk County Schools, as the recipient of the Dr. Brad Sneeden Leadership Award.

The Sneeden Award is presented in honor and recognition of a superintendent who has demonstrated a strong commitment to lifelong learning, unwavering integrity in leadership and transformation of vision into action.

This annual award is presented to a graduate of the North Carolina School Superintendents’ Association’s Next Generation Superintendent Development Program, a program that is designed to empower transformational education leaders for North Carolina’s public schools. Greene was selected by former Brad Sneeden Leadership Award recipients.

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The award is named in honor of Dr. Brad Sneeden, who was serving as Carteret County Schools’ Superintendent at the time of his death in October 2008 at the age of 56. Among the innovative efforts he brought to this district was the establishment of the Marine Science Academy, later renamed as a memorial to him, which exposes students to hands-on marine science activities.

“I am honored to receive the Dr. Brad Sneeden Leadership Award,” Greene said. “This award has been given to amazing superintendents, and I am humbled to be mentioned alongside them and Dr. Sneeden. His legacy of dedicated service is one to which I aspire, and I am thankful to the NCSSA, Mr. Jack Hoke, and all my colleagues across North Carolina for their support and service.

“Being able to learn with and from the outstanding leaders during the Next Generation program has certainly made me a better leader for my district and community. I must give a great deal of credit and thanks to my Polk Schools family and Board of Education for their support and for the work they do on behalf of our students and families in Polk County. I am very fortunate to be a small part of the amazing collective we call Polk County Schools.

“Finally, given the amount of time and energy spent on the job, I want to thank my wife, Mary, and son, Grayson, for their sacrifices and support over the years.”

“The Polk County Board of Education congratulates Mr. Aaron Greene as the recipient of the NCSSA’s 2023 Dr. Brad Sneeden Leadership Award,” said Mike Ashworth, Polk County Board of Education chairman. “Mr. Greene’s leadership and vision have allowed Polk County Schools to continue to rank as one of the top school districts in the state year in and year out. The Polk County Board of Education is very proud of Mr. Greene for this accomplishment, and it comes as no surprise to us or the members of our community that he has earned it.”

NCSSA Executive Director Jake Hoke said that Greene exemplifies the traits that guided Dr. Brad Sneeden’s career in educational leadership.

“He has demonstrated a vision for Polk County Schools as an educational innovator and a strong commitment to continuous improvement and the highest standards of ethical conduct,” Hoke said. “He is a very deserving recipient of this award.”