Water rich

Published 2:23 pm Tuesday, August 11, 2020

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David Crocker

Diet and Exercise

In a previous article, we learned the importance of staying hydrated, by drinking plenty of water, but what about water-rich foods? When we speak of “water rich” foods, we’re really referring to fruits, vegetables and sprouts. Most all foods contain varying amounts of water, but not in amounts considered to be “water rich”.

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So, what are some benefits of consuming water rich foods as opposed to just drinking water?

First, did you know your body has about 30 trillion cells; written out, that’s 30,000,000,000,000. That’s a lot of cells! Every one of these cells has several tiny little organs called “organelles” inside, each one with a particular function. For example, “vacuoles” within cells store food, while “lysosomes” digest the cell’s food. Another organelle, the “mitochondria”, produces cellular energy. Cells in our bodies undergo daily “respiration” where they use glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and other elements for energy.

So, think of each one of these 30 trillion cells as an individual healthy, sturdy home with lots of activity going on inside. There’s something that takes place in these cells or “homes”, no matter their kind, size, or shape…the trash has to be taken out. Much like healthy homes, waste products accumulate, and we need to get that “garbage” out of there. Water is how we accomplish this.

Now drinking water is indeed necessary, but it’s just not enough.

Suppose you had a thirsty pet, and instead of offering it a bowl of water, you sprayed it in the face with a garden hose. It might get some water in it, but your pet would probably get more on it. When you eat “water rich” foods like fruits, vegetables and sprouts, though, your cells undergo something called “endocytosis”, which is just a fancy term for the cell membrane engulfing food particles and bringing them inside. When that happens, the cell takes water in too, which makes it easier for the cell to rid itself of waste products.

Water rich foods such as cantaloupe contains potassium, vitamins A, C and beta-carotene which may help degenerative diseases. Watermelon is rich in antioxidants, plus vitamins A, B1 and C which reduces severity of asthma and risks of colon cancer, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and prostate cancer.

Grapes are rich in the phytochemical compound “resveratrol” which has been found to play a protective role against cancers of the colon and prostate, coronary heart disease (CHD), degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer’s disease and viral and fungal infections.

Tomatoes contain the red pigment “lycopene” (also found in watermelon, red grapefruit, papaya and guava) , a compound which appears to act as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells in the body. This helps ward off prostate cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer and age related macular degeneration. There are so many varieties of fruits, vegetable and sprouts that provide healthful benefits in addition to hydrating cells.

I do suggest you chew all fruits and vegetables and plant based foods very well; even more than you think you should. Plant cells, unlike animal cells have a rigid cell wall that surrounds them. This cell wall is made up of something call cellulose, which is microscopically like wood, and we can’t digest it very well. In other words, if you were to swallow a piece of fruit or vegetable whole, you would get nothing from it, because these plant cells have to be broken open, so nutrients and water can be extracted, and that’s accomplished by chewing.

I recommend one’s diet consist of 65-70 percent fruits, vegetables and sprouts, and because of fruit’s high sugar content, most of the quantity come from vegetables.

Questions? Email David at dwcrocker77@gmail.com.