Saluda News & Notations: Make hay while the sun still shines

Published 8:00 am Friday, October 26, 2018

Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,

Love is knowing I am everything,

And between the two my life moves.

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~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

On a gentle October afternoon, after a hard round of yard work (plus a few doses of Advil), I found my favorite lazy-girl spot on the back deck and settled down with River Dog for a spell, with hibiscus tea, a good book and reading glasses at hand.

There’s no rest for the weary, it’s said. Our peace was encroached on — for once, not by neighborhood barkers, leaf blowers or chain saws — but birds (somehow, it’s a bit sweeter to hear birds carrying on than leaf blowers and yippers, though).

Coats of bright blue flittered, fluttered and leaped, bouncing over and on a burning bush tree. Gray coats joined in a happy ruckus issued. Crows sailed low to check the party out.

What IS going on back there?

It finally dawned this was the bird version of a college frat party those birds were loaded on berries, as happy and punch-drunk as birds can be. I’d seen mockingbirds drunk on poke berries, but this was a first — even the bluebirds were partying down. 

Birds gotta have fun, too, before winter socks us all, I reckon. Make hay while the sun shines, ‘tis said! 

• Saluda Tailgate Market is open until the end of October from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Fridays at the city parking lot off Main Street.

• Saluda Welcome Table is every Tuesday: dinner is served from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. in the fellowship hall of Saluda United Methodist Church. All are welcome; donations accepted.

• Saluda Community Land Trust can be reached at SCLT’s office at 828-749-1560 or Trail maintenance volunteers are needed, so if you’re interested in a bit of exercise and good deeds, contact Chuck Hearon, trails coordinator, at 828-817-0364 or

• Join in for a “Packing Party” at 3 p.m. on Friday at Saluda First Baptist Church to fill shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child. A variety of items will be available to pack. Just bring yourself!

• The Saluda Historic Depot Theatre Troupe is producing Saluda’s first musical, which will premiere at 7 p.m. on Nov. 17 at The Party Place & Event Center, 221 Friendship Church Road, Saluda. For information, contact Judy Ward at 828-674-5958 or, or Corinne Gerwe at or 828-749-4803.

• Saluda Center potluck and bingo is at 6 p.m. on Monday. This fall, don’t forget to visit the Thrift Barn, located behind the center, which is run by volunteers. All proceeds benefit Saluda Center.

• Trick or treat! Treats can be found at the annual Halloween Stroll on from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday in downtown Saluda, from Nostalgia Courtyard to across the bridge to Green River BBQ and other shops.

• Saluda United Methodist Church’s annual Turkey Dinner is from 5-7 p.m. Nov. 10 at Saluda School. Tickets are available from church members or at the door. For information, call 828-749-3789.

• Saluda Sympathy goes to Fred and Terry Baisden for the loss of their son, Brandon.

• Saluda Get-Well goes to Patty Martin, Doris Marion and D.J. Gaskin.

• Happy October Birthday to Cissy Thompson, Riley Thompson, Patricia Case, Gary Corn, Aaron Bradley, Amanda Anderson, Lisa Orr, Marilyn Prudhomme, Bubba Dawson, Kirby Jackson, Mary Ann Asbill, Sheila Billeter, Carol Thompson, Mildred Hipp, Dean Bradley, Susan Wheeler and Brenda Craig. Add your name to the list (you’re safe, no ages mentioned unless you’re under 2 or over 100), and help keep it updated! Just give me a call or email.

Thank you for reading this column; as ever, the goal is to make you feel like you’re enjoying small town life in a friendly mountain town called Saluda. Feel free to contact me at, 828-749-1153 or visit