Tryon Equestrian moves to top taxpayer in Polk for 2017

Published 9:03 pm Friday, January 12, 2018

COLUMBUS – After being the third and fourth highest taxpayer in the county in 2015 and 2016, Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC) is now the top taxpayer in Polk County.

The Polk County Board of Commissioners recently heard its audit report for fiscal year 2016-2017 and included statistical information, including the top 10 taxpayers for the year, compared to the top taxpayers for 2008.

Adult Communities Total Services (Tryon Estates) was the second highest taxpayer in 2017, followed by Alianza Trinity (Bright’s Creek) and Tryon Showgrounds.

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TIEC had a total taxable assessed value of $64,994,449 in 2017 and was 22.54 percent of Polk’s total taxable assessed value, according to the audit report.

Tryon Estates was valued at $49,056,758 and was 17.02 percent of the county’s total taxable assessed value.

Bright’s Creek was valued at $35,480,691 and made up 12.31 percent of the county’s total taxable assessed value.

Others that made the top 10 highest taxpayers in 2017 included RL REGI-NC Little Wing LLC at fifth, Green River Farms LLC at sixth, Clary Hood Inc. at seventh, Hidden Springs Holdings at eighth, White Oak Manager Inc. at ninth and Travis Oates LLC at tenth.

In comparison, Bright’s Creek was the county’s top taxpayer in 2008 with a total assessed value of $50,661,869 with Tryon Estates second with an assessed value of $42,852,777 and Tryon Equestrian, then White Oak Development, with an assessed value of $17,955,593.

The top 10 properties make up 75.78 percent of the county’s total taxable assessed value and totaled $218,460,660 in taxable assessed value, according to the audit report.

The county’s tax rate at the end of fiscal year 2017 was 53.75 cents per $100 of property valuation.


Polk County’s top 10 taxpayers of 2017


Taxpayer                                Taxable assessed value             Rank

Tryon Equestrian Properties           $64,994,449                                   1

Adult Communities Total Services  $49,056,758                                  2

Alianza Trinity                                   $35,480,691                                    3

Tryon Showgrounds                         $21,653,859                                     4

RL-REGI-NC Little Wing LLC             $10,698,099                              5

Green River Farm LLC                      $8,782,672                                     6

Clary Hood Inc.                                  $7,706,344                                      7

Hidden Springs Holdings                 $7,429,367                                      8

White Oak Manor Inc.                        $6,332,739                                     9

Travis Oates LLC                               $6,325,682                                      10

Total value:                                      $218,460,660