Saluda News & Notations: When a dog takes off

Published 4:04 pm Thursday, July 13, 2017

“One small action of love can do far, far more for a soul than all the most beautiful words in the world.”

~  Eileen Caddy

Since Coon Dog Day is over, I’ll share another dog tale (pun intended), just in case any of you haven’t yet had enough of those. One afternoon in between monsoons, I took advantage of sunshine to weed-whack the back driveway. Sweat rolled inside my T-shirt, down my face. Looking up through sweat, I spotted River Dog standing nearby with a naughty look in his eye. That rascal noticed the back door wasn’t quite shut and he slipped out.

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The escapee usually takes off for the dog park in a gallop (which makes retrieval easy). Putting the weed-eater down, I headed to the house to grab a leash and get an extra walk in. Well, dear reader, instead of trotting happily to the dog park, River turned back and headed full speed toward Greenville Street, with me clapping hands and whistling/hollering “Dog park, River! DOG PARKKKKKKK!!! River!”

Hoofing fast after the culprit, I became worried. Going-home-traffic-time on a busy street is no place for a one-eyed silly dog who hasn’t a clue what cars are capable of. River honed in after a stranger walking her dog along the sidewalk and was following them toward town.

Ignoring me, River kept going, the woman kept pulling her dog harder, walking faster and hissing at River, “GO HOME, DOG!” while cars zoomed by. “GO HOME!” Naturally, the faster she fled, the faster he trotted along behind them, delighted to find new friends.

“Please,” I hollered to her, “if you stop—I can grab him! Please!” (Most folks around Saluda are only too glad to help rescue a dog, because they are ‘dog people’ and have been there themselves.) I can’t count the times I’ve stopped to help chase and catch — a little help goes a long way!

Well, next thing I know, River’s in the road, cars slowing, and the woman has drug her dog to the other side in an effort to evade the thugs following behind, one in a sweaty t-shirt and grass in her hair. I’m not winning the chase, and feeling a sense of sick desperation and tears at this point.

Suddenly a yellow CJ-5 Jeep tops the hill. The troops have arrived! My neighbor Joni and son Wylie rally to our aid. She blocks the road with the Jeep to halt traffic. Wylie in his soccer uniform leaps out, and between the three of us, River is arrested and hauled back home. Safe and sound. Bless ‘em.

~ ~ ~

A big Coon Dog bark goes out to all the volunteers who work all year long to make Coon Dog Day happen in Saluda. Thank you!

Saluda Community Land Trust (SCLT) has “Walks in the Woods” on the first and third Sundays each month, leaving from Saluda Library’s parking lot. On July 16, enjoy an open swim day at Twin Lakes with swimming and hiking from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Bring a picnic; leave four-footed friends at home. Visit to learn more, donate, or volunteer.

Saluda Tail Gate Market is open 4:30-6:30 p.m. every Friday May – October.

Saluda Historic Depot is located at 32 West Main Street and is open Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Saluda Train Tales are held on the third Friday each month at 7 p.m. through October. Verlie Murphy, Lynn Weidman, Geri Miller, Mar Kersten, Cam Alexander, Vikki Nelson, Irena Teal, Elaine Hewitt, Edna Miller, Edna McKee, Liz Taylor, Wendy Pecks, Lee Ellis, and Fay Chandler volunteered to create a Hobo quilt that will be unveiled at the July 21 Train Tales—they’ll be honored for their hard work!

Top of the Grade Concerts schedule at McCreery Park: July 14 – Mercury Rising, August 11 – Casual Zealots, September 1 – Super 60s. Music is from 7-9 p.m.

The Saluda Center Community potluck and bingo night is July 31 at 6 p.m.

Happy July Birthday to Doris Marion, Debi Thomas, Rheta Foster, Nancy Weinhagen, Lisa Obermiller, Kathy Thompson, Bill Jameson, Emily Rose Ford, Jeremy Ford, Mike Cass, Emma Jean McGraw, Nathen Pack, Melissa Justus, Hunter Justus, Alyssa Justus, Tona Justus, Lynn Savage, and Amanda Anderson.

Saluda Tips & Stuff: Before you keep using dishwasher detergent pods, think twice. Sometimes the plastic pod doesn’t dissolve and can clog pipes over time. I’m tearing what’s left of mine open, pouring detergent in the holder, disposing of the plastic. Flushing cat litter, hygiene products, and other nefarious items down sewer lines is never a good idea, especially with so many people doing the same thing.

Thank you, dear readers, for reading this column. You can contact me at, 828-749-1153, or