More questions than answers
Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Another week has passed and it appears that the Tryon Daily Bulletin has been shut out by the powers in town hall considering how little revealing information has been published in the paper.
There are more unanswered questions in this strange matter than space allows me to list but I will help with a few questions in hopes that TDB will take a more assertive stance in reporting the issue.
1. Is any action contemplated against Mr. Miller who was the apparent beneficiary of this alleged transfer of money?
2. Is it alleged that Mr. Davis received something in return such as favorable treatment? And if not, why would he give money or make personal payments on behalf of Mr. Miller?
3. I’m assuming that Mr. Ollis acted at behest of the Mayor and/or the Town Council in terminating Mr. Davis. If so, what was the vote and did Mr. Miller participate?
4. Perhaps I missed it in the news coverage but was this a one-time payment or were payments made over a period of time and who actually received the money since payments were apparently made to a third party on behalf of Mr. Miller?
The list of questions is almost endless and I encourage TDB to get out and shake the bushes and find out what is going on.
Who knows how long the SBI investigation will take, and meanwhile Mr. Davis seems to be the only person paying the price for the questionable actions that supposedly took place between him and a member of the Council. Mr. Miller was apparently a co-conspirator…yet we hear nothing but crickets.
There are not many opportunities for investigative reporting in a small town like Tryon and seems you are letting one of them get away.
Ted Hiley, Tryon, N.C.