An open letter to Polk County Republican, Independent voters
Published 7:28 am Wednesday, March 9, 2016
To the editor:
If you have not yet voted, please consider casting your vote for Donald Trump. The Republican Establishment and the Doctrinaire Conservatives want you to believe that you should not vote for him because they say he is “not a True Conservative,” sometimes stretching the point so far as to call him a “liberal.” But he is a Conservative — a Populist Conservative. He believes in applying conservative principles to the problems of ordinary citizens.
The Elites just don’t get it. Who gave them the right to claim that only they are “True Conservatives?” How dare they presume to define conservatism for us all of us and for all time? Principle is important, of course, but it is also true that the Elitists’ demand for “ideological purity” drives people away who might want to join the Republican Party. Why would they do such a thing? Maybe because it helps them maintain their lock on power and the money that goes with it. We think the Republican Party should be “For the People.”
The Pundits don’t get it either. They want to think we’re just angry and determined to give the finger to the establishment. But it’s more than that. We want a leader who will help us take back our country from an entrenched political class that we believe has become contemptuous of the people who gave them their power. We are convinced that Donald Trump is up to the task.
Now, our country is on the brink, and it may well be that this election is our last chance to turn things around. We must elect a Conservative who is strong enough and smart enough to stand up for the people and oppose the out-of-touch political Elite to solve our nation’s problems and reach toward greatness. Thank God, such a man has come forward just when we need him most. Donald Trump.
Please join us in standing with Donald Trump to make America great again!
If you are an “Unaffiliated” (Independent) voter, you can still vote for Trump. Just be sure to ask for a Republican ballot when you go to vote.
Thank you.
Pat Komorous
Trump 2016 Polk County Coordinator
Tryon, N.C.