McCrackin headed to SC Governor’s School for the Arts
Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Brody McCrackin, a former Landrum student, will be attending the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities in Greenville S.C., starting Aug. 15.
Brody first heard about SCGSAH back in his freshman year of high school when he was in a traveling play called “A Thousand Cranes” with the Tryon Fine Arts Center. He was recommended by one of his teachers to attend a summer program at the Governor’s School for drama. But instead he auditioned and was accepted for viola, since this is his passion. Brody started playing viola when he was 11, studying under Henry Anderson at Landrum Middle School. He has enjoyed it ever since. At the two-year residential high school he will continue his studies under Katie Dey, the principal violist in the Greenville Symphony Orchestra. Brody was accepted with two other violists to attend this high school for his junior and senior year. Submitted by Amber Duncan (Photo by Brandi Fugate)